Course Name: Safety in Confined Space
Course Timing: (9.00 AM to 1.15 PM)
STU Points: 2 STU (Approval by IES)
Topics to be covered
. What is Confined space
· Confined space safety requirements
· Confined space activities in construction industry
Singapore safety statistics:
· WSH statistics related to construction industry from 2009
· WSH statistics related to Confined Space incidents
Legal Requirement:
Upon completion of this lesson the learner should know the following
· Workplace safety and health act
· WSH (Confined Space) regulation
· WSH (General Provision) regulation
· WAH code of Practise for Confined Space
· Technical advisory for Confined Space
Hazards related to day Confined Space:
Upon completion of this lesson the learner should know the following
. Confined hazards
Permit to work requirements for confined space activities:
Upon completion of this lesson the student should know the following
· Confined space permit requirement
Risk Controls measures for Confined space activities:
Upon completion of this lesson the student should know the following
· Tools used for Risk Evaluation
· Risk Evaluation methodology
· Application of Risk matrix
· Hierarchy of Risk Control
· Emergency Rescue Plan
· Rescue Methods
Case Study Discussion:
· Case Study
Please refer to the Brochur:
UTAP Available - 50% Funding
*there will be Paypal charges for credit card usuage