Course Name: Supervision of Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
Course Timing: (8.30 AM to 3.45 PM)
STU Points: 6 STU (Approval by IES)
Introduction of ground rules:
o Training hours
o Break time
o Punctuality
o Course evaluation matters
o Emergency Evacuation
Introduction to Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
Background of PPVC
BCA and HDB initiatives on PPVC
PPVC History to up-to-date developments
Traditional construction vs Modular construction
Benefits of PPVC over precast and cast in-situ constructions
Problems and challenges of PPVC
Back ground details of DfMA
Brief details of BIM for DfMA to PPVC
PPVC Considerations and Key Factors
Level of off-site finish requirements
Singapore PPVC experience
PPVC experiences from other parts of the World
Types of PPVC Modules
Configuration of PPVC Modules
Contractors involvement
Type of hoisting machinery
Configuration of PPVC modules
Reinforced concrete modules vs steel modules a comparison
Design considerations
Architectural Design Considerations
o Modularisation and Early Coordination
o Dimension on Plan and Section
o Vertical and Horizontal Alignment
o Water-Tightness Between Modules
o Consideration of Construction Tolerance
Structural Design Considerations
o Structural Modelling
o Vertical Modules Connection and Horizontal Modules Connection
o Modules Connection to Civil Defense Shelter Wall
o Structural Robustness and Structural Design of Modules
o Periodic Structural Inspection (PSI)
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Design Considerations including fire
safety requirements / compliances
o Electrical and Lightning Protection
o Water and Sanitary
o Air-Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation
o Town Gas
o Compliances on use of materials for fire safety
o Compliances of fire compartmentation
PPVC Module Production process
Transportation Plan
Packaging, Protection and Labelling
Module Cover (Temporary or Permanent)
PPVC best lifting practices
Examples and case studies
Project Management, Construction and Installation
PPVC through detailed BIM for DfMA concepts
Location of the Project and Adjacent Areas
Access and Traffic Management for Trailers with Heavy Cargo
Consideration of Just-In-Time (JIT) Operation
Types of Cranes
Access and Egress
Vertical and Horizontal Alignments
Sequencing of the Modules Installation
Safety during construction
Critical Inspections and Quality Checks Maintenance, Replacement and Renovation
Quality Checks
o Reinforced Concrete PPVC
o Steel PPVC
Structural Works
MEP Works
Architectural Works
Examples and case studies
o Homeowner User Manual
Other PPVC case studies
Course Evaluation
Course training exercise
Discussion on answers after collection of Course training exercise papers
Please refer to the Brochur:
UTAP Available - 50% Funding
*there will be Paypal charges for credit card usuage