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Personal Data and Privacy Statement

Here's a reorganized version of the privacy policy for CUTECH  :

Privacy Policy of CUTECH

1. Policy

1.1 Introduction
This is the privacy policy of CUTECH  , a company incorporated in Singapore. The terms "we" and "our" refer to CUTECH .

1.2 Application
L collects personal data through various channels and is committed to complying with this Policy to ensure accountability and uniformity in protecting your personal data.

1.3 Compliance with this Policy
This Policy applies to all personal data you provide to us or that we may collect about you. Please do not provide personal data if you do not accept this Policy. Acceptance may be required when you contact, interact, transact, or access our websites and services. If you do not accept the Policy, we may be unable to establish a relationship with you.

1.4 Concerns and Contacting Us
If you have feedback or issues regarding your personal data or this Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer:
Email: adhavan@cutechgroup.com

1.5 Amendment to this Policy
We may amend this Policy without notice to comply with applicable laws or to update our data handling processes. The updated Policy will apply to previously provided personal data and will take effect when posted on this page.

2. Personal Data

2.1 What Personal Data We Collect
We collect personal data based on the purposes for which it is required, which may include your name, address, contact information, identification number, photographs, video images, and any other identifying information.

2.2 How We Collect Personal Data
We collect personal data directly or indirectly through various channels, including:

  • Using our services or entering transactions.
  • Applying for membership in loyalty programs or responding to promotions.
  • Visiting our websites or downloading our applications.
  • Registering an account.
  • Interacting through communication channels like social media, emails, and phone calls.
  • Capturing images via photographs or videos in our premises or events.
  • Participating in competitions or programs.
  • Submitting personal data for other reasons.

We may also collect data from third parties, including CUTECH Group organizations and your family or friends.

2.3 Voluntary Provision of Personal Data
Providing personal data is voluntary, and you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. However, failure to provide required personal data may hinder our ability to fulfill your requests.

2.4 Providing Personal Data Belonging to Others
If you provide personal data of others (e.g., family members), you must inform them of our data use purposes and warrant that you have their consent.

2.5 Accuracy and Completeness of Personal Data
You must ensure that all personal data you provide is accurate and complete and inform us of any changes.

2.6 Minors
If you are a minor, please seek parental or guardian consent before providing personal data. Parents or guardians should contact us to request the erasure of their child's data if provided without consent.

3. Purposes

3.1 General Purposes
We collect, use, and disclose your personal data to:

  • Process transactions and provide products/services.
  • Manage relationships.
  • Facilitate platform and service use.
  • Assist with requests and feedback.
  • Conduct administrative tasks and compliance.
  • Conduct research and statistical analysis.
  • Protect against unauthorized access and security threats.
  • Manage third-party services and obligations.

3.2 Marketing Purposes
With your consent, we may use your personal data to:

  • Manage requests for news and promotions.
  • Analyze and profile your preferences for targeted marketing.
  • Send you relevant marketing information.

3.3 Legitimate Business Interests
Our legitimate interests include:

  • Managing business relationships and services.
  • Protecting rights and interests.
  • Understanding user interactions with our platforms.
  • Improving offerings based on user feedback.

3.4 CUTECH Group Purposes
Your personal data may be shared within the CUTECH Group for administrative efficiencies and centralized services.

3.5 Use Permitted Under Applicable Laws
We may collect and process your data without consent if required or permitted by law.

3.6 Contacting You
We may contact you via various methods for the above purposes, but we will not do so for marketing without your consent.

4. Disclosure of Personal Data

4.1 Disclosure to CUTECH  Group
We may share your personal data with organizations within the CUTECH  Group for specified purposes.

4.2 Other Disclosures
We may disclose your personal data to:

  • Third-party service providers.
  • Joint marketing partners.
  • Regulatory authorities.

5. Cross Jurisdiction Transfers of Personal Data

5.1 Safeguards
We may transfer your personal data outside Singapore, ensuring that recipients provide a comparable level of protection.

6. Protection of Personal Data

6.1 Period of Retention
We retain personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and to satisfy legal obligations.

6.2 Anonymised Data
We may anonymize your personal data for unrestricted use, including data analytics.

6.3 Unauthorized Access
While we take precautions to safeguard your data, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized access or security breaches.

7. Your Rights

7.1 Rights
You have the right to:

  • Withdraw consent.
  • Request corrections of inaccurate data.
  • Request access to your personal data.

7.2 Exercising Your Rights
To exercise your rights, please contact us. We may require time to process your request and may charge a fee where permitted by law.

7.3 Limitations
We may refuse requests under certain circumstances, such as when data is needed for legal claims.

Data Protection Notices

For specific data protection notices, please refer to:

  • Data Protection Notice for trainers.
  • Data Protection Notice for trainees.

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Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services
Cutech Training, Examination & Consultancy Services