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Perform Welding Inspection, AWS-CWI (QC1) Certified Welding Inspector
Penetrant Testing (PT) L-2
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) L-2
Radiographic Film Interpretation (RI) L-2 (ASNT)
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector
API 570 Piping Inspector
API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector
Perform Welding Inspection, CSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspector
CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector
API 936 Refractory Personnel
Supervision of Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
Visual Testing L-2
Painting Inspector Grade 2/3
Safety in Formwork Erection and Dismantling
COMBO - Safety in Formwork Erection and Dismantling & Supervision of Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
CWI/SCWI Recertification Course
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